Preston Hollow South is a community of condominiums, apartments, and townhouses on the northeast corner of Preston Road and Northwest Highway in Dallas, Texas.
The PHSNA was created in 2008 for the purpose of promoting and protecting the interests of the neighborhood.

Dallas History: Behind the Pink Wall
Chapter 1: Hal Anderson
The PHSNA is partially bordered by a unique wall built in 1954 by developer Hal Anderson. Hal set the tone for the construction of these properties by using an ancient wall style jazzed up by a brick color that was popular during the mid-century modern era of the 1950’s and 60’s. This serpentine design with locally manufactured pink brick is a one of a kind in the City of Dallas. Known to many Dallasites as the neighborhood Behind the Pink Wall, this phrase is attributed to Ebby Halliday who played an important role in the success of making this area a very desirable place to call home. She herself resided for a time in one of the original garden apartments Behind the Pink Wall. (read more)
Chapter 2: The Athena
The curvy Pink Wall is not only a distinctly architectural look it has also birthed a familiar phrase that made its way into the local vocabulary. “Behind the Pink Wall” was a marketing phrase that has been successfully used since the early 1950’s. Ads from the Dallas Morning News use the phrase to lure residents to the area that denoted a certain elegant part of town. At the time the Pink Wall was built this area was considered very far north of Downtown Dallas, thus the need to be glamourous and exciting. (read more)​